Sunday, 2 December 2012

Warming up for winter

Really liked the warm up for this class, particularly for cold, damp December days when you need to build up some heat.   As you can imagine, after performing the warm up in 30 plus degrees I was already hot and kind of tired!

Bird of Paradise was a new pose for me.  Very tough balance and hamstring stretch but I loved how the instructor taught it, explaining that the alignment is basically a reverse Parsvakonasana with a bind then you begin to straighten the bent leg.  All while balancing on the other one : )

Warm up:

·       Started with spine stretches from sitting - all spinal movements: chest forward and back, side extension right and left, twists.  Repeated 20 times
·       Spinal stretches from standing eg helicoptering arms, side to side, fold and slight back bend
·       Vinyasa stepping in and out of low lunges, x 4/6
·       Surya Namaskar A x 2/4
·       Surya Namaskar B x 2/4

SSurya namaskars with variations: each repeated twice on each side
·                                              - High lunge. Knees on ground
-       crescent lunge
-       vira 1
-       vira II, reverse vira II (goddess), side angle pose (parsvakonasana)
-       vira 1, trikonasana, Ardha chandrasana, vira II
-       vira 1, parsvottanasana
-       vira II, lunge with twist, reverse Ardha chandrasana, vira 11
-       forward bend in half lotus
-       parskvakonasana with bind, straighten front leg, step forward and move to bird of paradise - keep foot flexed, forward bend, plus holding big toe / hands under feet


Seated poses

Cool down and savasana

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

New class starting 4 December

The first course of classes in The Space, South William St.   - - will start on Tuesday 4 December, 6.30pm-7.30pm.

As the final Tuesday in December is Christmas Day, I will be arranging a substitute workshop the Friday after Christmas in Sandymount.  The workshop will be based on restorative practices and Yin yoga - perfect after a few days of family, food and excess!


Drop in rate    €10

Monthly rate   €30

Register interest now.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Barn

My first class in the Yoga Barn in Ubud was both amazing and extremely humbling.  For a start, it was 30 plus degrees so within minutes in the open air studio I was in a lather, panting and feeling like I hadn’t been on a mat in years.  My fellow students were extremely adept.  One tanned blonde Adonis-like Scandinavian (who went to every class I attended) was the most flexible human being I have ever beheld and took variations that I previously had not thought anatomically possible.  Nonetheless, I couldn’t but look at him with a teacher’s eye and notice that his spine was so flexible that it was collapsing even in down dog.  As he rushed from pose to pose adding his own complicated variations, I wondered if he was connecting at all with his practice, or basically showing off.  (A few days later he was joined by his girlfriend, with whom he did some partnered Cirque de Soleil type balances.  Perhaps they were acrobats after all?)

The class was extremely challenging but quite different than any class I’d been to before so I have included below a few notes on the sequencing, which I hope my fellow teachers and practitioners will find interesting:

·       Warm up:
o   Cross legs - inhale chest forward, exhale chest back
o   Kneeling - arm movements linked to breath
o   All fours - ams - plank - knees, chest to bhujangasana. X 5
o   Arms - extend right leg, knee to chin x 3. Low lunge, lower to chaturanga, Up dog, down dog, low lunge with opposite leg. Step to forward bend. Tadasana. Repeat 2-3 times each leg.
·       Ukatasana - vira III
·       Uktakasana, hold at low point. Twist. Variation - side crow
·       Surya Namaskar B.
Down Dog - lower to elbows push forward to chaturanga, Up dog to down dog x 3
·       Vira II, reverse Vira II (goddess pose), Parsvakonasana
·       Padamottanasana, possible balance
·       Vira II, high lunge with twist, Ardha chandrasana
·       Happy baby, roll back and forward. Straight legs. Navasana - ankles crossed, straighten and back to upright. Repeat crossed the other way.
·       Ams, extend leg, knee to same elbow, knee to opposite elbow. open out to side at right angle (aptly described by the Japanese teacher as “like dog peeing”), slide across body and straighten leg. Wildcat.
·       Vira II, low lunge, shoulder under elbow. Possible balance
·       Squat, Bakasana jump back to chaturanga. Vinyasa.
·       Lying, fist under pubis, elbows tucked in, raise legs.
·       Salabhasana
·       Dandasana, Paschimottanasana
·       Wide leg seated stretch
·       Bend knee and take out to side at right angle with body. Elbow to straight leg, both arms touching head in a side stretch.  Straighten lower arm to lie beside straight leg, take upper arm above head and reach for toes.
·       Marychasana c,  cross upper leg, twist and bind.
·       Hook knee over shoulder, stretch out leg. Bend left leg, cross over right and balance
·       Headstand. Counter poses and cool down.
·       Savasana

Friday, 23 November 2012


Just arrived back in Dublin, where my blog has decided to work again, so here is an update on all things yoga in Bali.

The ashram did not prove a success.  It felt a lot more like a homestay where meal times were fixed at unpleasant hours and activity started at 4am.  Maybe it was because there was only one other guest staying, but we were not encouraged to participate in the prayer ceremonies.  The one that I did attend, evening prayer, felt a little bit like sitting in on an Irish catholic family as they were saying the rosary before bed.  Yoga, of any sort was not a big feature of ashram life and the one class I attended was really a very basic guided practice.  So I took my jet lagged, sleep deprived self off to a hotel and sat by the pool for a few days while I made a new - far more expensive and therefore shortened plan.

So after a few days jet-lag recovery (and a spectacular scuba dive) in Candidasa, I arrived in Ubud.  It's yoga central and it could have been designed just for me.  The main street is filled with shops selling lovely yoga clothes, Buddhas, crystals and other spiritual paraphernalia; Ayurvedic centres, reflexology centres; and organic, vegan, environmentally friendly restaurants. Heaven!  I had to repeat to myself that the prayer beads, figurines of Hindu deities, spiritual art, wooden handcrafts and closely clothes will not look so attractive back in Dublin.  (Well a few souvenirs are allowed!)

By far the best thing about ubud is the Yoga Barn, a huge compound with 2 yoga studios, organic cafe, Ayurvedic healing rooms, and workshops on everything from Kirtan to the intriguingly named hula hoop jam. I have just four days in ubud so I intend to make the most of them and take as many and as varied classes as possible.  I went to a level 2 vinyasa the first afternoon, and I think it must be one of the strongest classes I've ever attended.  Exhausting but invigorating.  All of the teachers proved extraordinary and it was truly humbling to view the strength and elegance of their practice, especially from where I was standing, beet-red and sweat-soaked on a slippery mat.  Lovely!  

I've made notes on all the classes that I attended which I'll post over the next few days.  Hope they will be of interest to fellow teachers and in your own practices. 


Thursday, 1 November 2012

The last module

Yesterday was the last day of the last module of my teacher training.   A beautiful end to an extraordinary experience, I could never have imagined as I started this course that it would bring such wonderful people into my life and that a group of people who spent a mere 200 hours together would become so important to each other.  I guess it must have been all the time spent doing manual adjustments on each other, standing on each other's backs and practicing 'basketball bum'!

I can't help thinking back to my first attempts at teaching and all the friends who bravely allowed me to use them as my guinea pigs.  Notably, testing out my first teaching assignment on an unfortunate friend ("ok, you can practice on me but can I leave the West Wing on?"  "No!!").  Even when I've been frustrated at using up my annual leave to do this course, especially at 7am on a bank holiday Monday, I've enjoyed every minute of teaching and practicing with friends, and all the cups of tea, baked goods and gossip that accompanied it.

I've promised to keep in touch with everyone so my next post will be from Ashram Gandhi in Candidasa, Bali.  I'll make sure to post photos of terrifying bugs and me washing floors so you don't think I'm having too good a time : D

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The end of one leg and the beginning of another

The last week in this particular leg of my yoga journey.  I’m approaching the final module with a mixture of excitement, relief and nerves – there are exams to pass after all!  Chatting with three fellow trainees after after Tony’s 7pm class, I think we are all experiencing mixed emotions.  A helpful alumnus of the training course offered us some tips and reassurance.  Now I am mostly happy to be spending the upcoming weekend with a lovely group of people with whom I have shared an extraordinary seven months, practising, living and talking yoga.  After five weeks of leave from work, I am also craving the structure and routine.

And then there is Bali … Flights are booked, accommodation sorted and airport transfers arranged.  I’m departing just 8 days after the module finishes.  Again, I feel oddly relaxed about the whole adventure.  I have no idea what I’m getting myself into, but it just feels right.  Asia, sunshine and a more yoga lifestyle has been calling for some time.  After months of emotional strain: an unsettling (but fortunately groundless) health scare, a minor car accident, losing my home, enforced time off work and, worst of all, losing my closest, dearest friend an ashram seems the perfect place to heal and think about how I can repair and rebuild. 

The aforementioned enforced time off work has given me a lot more time to study yoga.  Although yoga is already a significant part of my life, I still have a lot to learn about how to integrate yoga principles into how I approach and live my life.  I am dedicating this time in Bali to learning balance and rediscovering joy.     

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

A new class and plane tickets

Brilliant level 2 class with Michael started this morning in the Yoga Room at 9.45am.  
  • ·       Started with several repetitions of SNA and SNB. 
  • ·       Vira II to Parsvakanasana to Vira II (right and left), then Vira II to Trikonasana to Ardha Chandrasana, clasping raised foot (right and left)
  • ·       Padmottanasana
  • ·       Variation on Utthita Hasta Padagusthasana
  • ·       Balance with one leg engaged and crossed at a right angle above standing knee, leaning forward to place hands on floor, tuck food and shin into armpits and attempt to raise standing leg.  Can’t seem to find a name for this pose
  • ·       Squat to Bakasana and squat to Parsva Bakasana

  • ·       Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) to Camatkarasana (Wild Thing)
  • Sivasana!
Oh, and the best start to the day: my tickets to Bali arrived in the post!

Finally discovering the sutras

With the final module coming up fast I’ve been spending more time on reading and writing up essays on the kleshas and gunas and on the first two yamas.  Now that I have the time to devote proper attention to the sutras, I’m finding them fascinating.  As revision time is getting tight, I’m focussing my attention on the exam but I feel I will continue studying yoga. 

My next move should facilitate further study, as today I booked a stay in an ashram in Bali.  Leaving 8 November. Can NOT wait!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Changes, future plans and Sam

Moved apartment and got a new puppy recently so I'm afraid the blog has been sadly neglected.  However, I have been busy cramming for my final yoga module, securing a studio for my first course of classes, organising a trip to an ashram in Bali (of more anon) and, of course, wrestling my yoga mat from mischievous young men named Sam.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Sthira and Sukha

Monday, 1 October

October already and just 30 days until this leg of my yoga training is complete.  Organised to see a space on Wednesday for my first proper classes.

This evening's class was on the theme of giving a receiving - bringing the whole beautiful notion of sthira and sukha to your practice.   In deference to the theme, I didn't force myself into a greater sense of ease but remained conscious of softening in the postures.

I can't imagine feeling inspired to dedicate a practice to a particular theme, much less competent enough to guide people into that theme.  Again not the day to worry about it, but given that I do need to start working on my final coursework essays I am going to start thinking about it.

On honour

Friday, 28 September

Michael's 6pm class.

Occasionally, the theme of the class seems to have been directed at me.  Tonight's  class is on accepting and honouring the aspects of yourself that frustrate or annoy you.  To recognise that not only is it ok to be annoyed but it is ok to annoyed at yourself for your reaction.  Hearing Michael - the single most peaceful, zen person I've ever met - describe getting pissed off at himself for getting a parking ticket, and then getting more pissed off that he had got so worked up about it was singularly grounding.  We cannot control how we feel about events any more than we can control the events themselves, but we can learn to accept our reactions and not berate ourselves for them.  Easier to type than to practise but something that I have to learn.


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Head stands and the impossible balance

Monday, 3 September
Another fantastic class using variations of the sequences we’ve been practising for the last few weeks.   Getting much nearer to kicking up to a handstand on my own.   Nowhere near achieving Eka Pada Koundiyanasana II – though didn’t land flat on my face this time – progress of a sort!
In case you're wondering, this is what it's meant to look like!! 

Friday, 31 August 2012

Week 23

Monday 27 August

Very challenging class with long complicated sequences, but fantastic! I didn't feel terribly well balanced today (possibly something to do with the bruises on my ankles from dancing in a new pair of stilettos at the weekend????). However, I think I'm finally learning to work with whatever my limits on a given day may be and to focus on good alignment rather than achieving the full pose.

A few notes from the class:

  • Warm up
  • SNA variation s with lunges and vira I
  • Vira I to Vira II to reverse vira II to parvakonasana back to vira II into trikonasana to Ardha Chandrasana to trik to Vira II. Vinyasa to left hand side.
  • Standing splits to utthita Hasta Padagusthasana to narajasana, release to standing splits. Vinyasa to left hand side.
  • Vinyasa to plank to side plank. Draw right foot to half lotus and return to plank, chaturanga, Urhdu MUkha Svanasana to AMS - with right foot remaining in half lotus! Come to left knee, opening right hip and breathe. Walk back to balance on ball of left foot. Breathe. Uncurl to Vrkasana. Release!

Wednesday, 29 August

Two for class today.  They had both been a good few times so I decided I'd push them just a little with a lot of Surya Namaskar variations, introducing Vira III (which they achieved admirably).  Both were capable of doing back bends, though maybe not a full Ardhva Dhanurasana so we tried a little wildcat sequence - one part for fun and one part to give them the sensation of a long back bend.

Finished off with another viewing of the exquisite Equinox videos - one of these days.....

Also starting to make a post-qualification plan.  I've identified a perfect city centre location and got a good response from my network of friends and family.  Just have to focus on passing the exam now!

Thursday, 30 August

Half hour practice at home where I challenged myself to repeat all of the harder sequences of Monday's class.  I find I don't hold the poses for as long when I'm alone but I do find it easier to keep my balance in an empty, silent room!

Monday, 27 August 2012

New ideas for level 1-2 classes

Sunday, 26 August: Great level 1-2 class in the Yoga Room with Eithne (who also told me of a space in town I can rent as my apartment is beginning to feel a bit crowded with the advent of our new desk and bookshelves!). Lots of great ideas for my newbies, of course I should have written the class plan down as soon as I got home, but here is a reasonable stab at it:

·         Start in sukhasana – arm stretches and twists
·         Come to all fours
·         Adho Mukha Svanasana
·         Walk to Uttanasana
·         Tadasana – focus on alignment, arm stretches
·         SNA variation: high lunge – cobra – AMS – low lunge
·         SNA variation: high lunge arms extended horizontally and into a twist.
·         Bent knee Vira III
·         Vrkasana – held for a while
·         Come to lying down – Septu Bandha Sarvangasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana.
·         Dandasana
·         Paschimottanasana – using foam block, uddiyana bandha engaged to lengthen lower back (excellent!)
·         Sukhasana twist
·         Siaasana

Saturday, 25 August 2012

The Equinox videos

Everytime I watch these I feel inspired, clumsy and fat and determine to dedicate the rest of my life to becoming this woman.  Not very yogic, but if you are going to aspire to physical perfection what a model!!  

Thanks to Vicky and Aengus for discovering more exquisite videos


Friday, 24 August 2012

Bit of a slow week, so mostly practising at home and trying to work on the balances I find so challenging.

Totally in love with my new lululemon pants.  No chaffing for all the supine Surya Namaskars I've been practising and MOST importantly they keep everything tucked in during those upside down poses!

Monday, 20 August 2012


Monday, 20 August: 
Amazing but very challenging class.  Made more so by the August mugginess, but it flowed so beautifully that I soon forgot the Monday evening tiredness - and the sweat gathering on my brow.  Longer than usual meditation, then a standing warm up: circling feet, hips and neck.  Think I prefer warming up on the floor but good for a change and it led into a pranayama in which the the three bandhas are engaged after an exhale (cannot for the life of me remember the name but I have come across some more interesting yoga sites in trying to find out see:

but more anon).  As we started talking about the bandhas in my class during the week, I wonder if I can introduce a simplified version to help my students discover their bandhas.  Will trial it tomorrow.

Back to the practice and the lovely sequences.  Here are a few that I want to practise again:

  • Surya Namaskar A x 3.
  • S.N.A variation: stepping back into a high lunge, twist with extended arms and lower to a low reverse parvottanasana in prayer. 
  • High lunge to Vira III to reverse Ardha Chandrasana. 
  • MC_208_UrdhvaPrasaritaEkaPadasana_70.jpgUrdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split)

     sweeping into Utthita Hasta Padagusthasana, then taking the extended foot into Natarajasana (dancer) and back to Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

  • AMS to Camatkarasana (wild thing) back to a low lunge, walking with hands to face the opposite side and repeat.  Many, many times.  (definitely trying this on my class!)

  • From sitting, one leg lifted on to the shoulder and worked straight into heron pose - Krounchasana.  Then moving into Astavakrasana (8-angle pose).  Here is what it's meant to look like.  I got very very nearly there and fell flat on my face!

Tired but exhilarated!

Beautiful lulemon treats from the fabulous Ms Sauder!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Tuesday, 14 August:  First resolution helped by the arrival of the excellent ‘Yoga Anatomy’ by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews and Donna Farhi’s, ‘Bringing Yoga to Life’ – which I’m hoping will help me with me mental block on all things sutra related. Both available through amazon through the Book Depository.

Week 21
First of all I can’t believe it’s been 21 weeks!  Now that I’ve recovered from module 3 and my brief hatred of my yoga mat, it’s time to make some resolutions before the final module and exams.
1.       Read more consistently and attentively, especially the stuff I don’t like.
2.       Practise the module quizzes.
3.       Learn off the important muscles and exercises to strengthen them.
4.       Do a headstand without the wall and get into Pincha Mayurasana and Adho Mukha Vrksasana without support.
5.       Buy a new mat – one without biro and highlighter stains. This may be my reward for finishing the course!
Monday, 13 August: First class back.  Would have been a lovely practice if I hadn’t pulled my triceps, hamstrings and groin having an argument with a horse on Saturday.  Vira II was agony!  But a lovely sequence and worth taking down some notes:
Started with pranayama
Came to lying on backs to stretch lengthways and towards the ceiling.  Loosened out by shaking limbs in the air – aptly described as insect stuck on its back pose.
Rock and rolled from Halasana to Dandasana several time and came to squat. Rolled up to Tadasana.
·         Unusual variations on S.N. repeated 3-4 times:

o   Arms wept out to Uktasana,
o   Uttanasana,
o   step right foot back to high lunge,
o   Chaturanga,
o   Urdhva Mukha Svanasana,
o   Adho Mukha Svanasana,
o   step left foot forward to low lunge,  
o   Step right foot to meet left, Uttanasana
o   Uktasana

·         Vira II sequence:

o   Vira II
o   Revolved Vira II
o   Vira II
o   Trikonasana

·         Balancing sequence

o   Vira I

o   Vira III

o   Pavritta Ardha Chandrasana

·         Balancing sequence II:

o   Vira I

o   Vira III

o   Sweep elevated leg forward and take hold of foot, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

o   Extend leg and sweep back to Natarajasana (King of the Dancers pose)

·         3 point Sirsasana (headstand) into a balance that was new to me, with one leg crossed along back of forearms. (some googling later I believe it was Eka Pada Galavasana (Flying Pigeon))  Needless to say it did not look like this when I attempted it, but I was pretty happy to do a passable 3 point Sirsasana: