Monday, 20 August:
Amazing but very challenging class. Made more so by the August mugginess, but it flowed so beautifully that I soon forgot the Monday evening tiredness - and the sweat gathering on my brow. Longer than usual meditation, then a standing warm up: circling feet, hips and neck. Think I prefer warming up on the floor but good for a change and it led into a pranayama in which the the three bandhas are engaged after an exhale (cannot for the life of me remember the name but I have come across some more interesting yoga sites in trying to find out see:
but more anon). As we started talking about the bandhas in my class during the week, I wonder if I can introduce a simplified version to help my students discover their bandhas. Will trial it tomorrow.
Back to the practice and the lovely sequences. Here are a few that I want to practise again:
- Surya Namaskar A x 3.
- S.N.A variation: stepping back into a high lunge, twist with extended arms and lower to a low reverse parvottanasana in prayer.
- High lunge to Vira III to reverse Ardha Chandrasana.
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split)
sweeping into Utthita Hasta Padagusthasana, then taking the extended foot into Natarajasana (dancer) and back to Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
- AMS to Camatkarasana (wild thing) back to a low lunge, walking with hands to face the opposite side and repeat. Many, many times. (definitely trying this on my class!)
- From sitting, one leg lifted on to the shoulder and worked straight into heron pose - Krounchasana. Then moving into Astavakrasana (8-angle pose). Here is what it's meant to look like. I got very very nearly there and fell flat on my face!
Tired but exhilarated!
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